Step into the Waters of New Life
We're excited that you're interested in Baptism! This is an important step in your faith journey, and we're delighted to be with you from beginning to end.
Baptism at Harvester
If you’ve considered baptism but never taken the next step, we invite you to step into the waters!
If you have more questions about baptism and what it means for you, check out our Q&A below.
Ready to be baptized? Sign up and let us know!
We learn from Scripture, and the example of the earliest Christians, that water baptism is an essential response to placing one’s faith in Jesus (Acts 2:38; 8:12). It demonstrates that our old self has died and that we have been resurrected to new life (Rom. 6:3-4). It symbolizes the washing away of our sins (Acts 22:16) and the gift of a clean conscience (1 Pet. 3:21). It is also a physical act that unites all believers (Gal. 3:26-28).
Every person who has placed their faith in Jesus, repented of their sins, and has confessed Jesus as their lord and savior should be baptized. Time and again this model of becoming a follower of Jesus is demonstrated in the book of Acts (2:38; 8:12, 36-38; 10:47-48; 16:30-33; 18:8; 22:16). Being baptized was also part of Jesus’ final instructions to his church. When you are baptized, you are obeying Christ’s command (Mt. 28:19).
Scripture teaches that baptism is for those who have willfully placed their faith in Jesus as lord and savior of their life and have then been baptized by immersion (Acts 2:37-38; 8:35-38; 16:30-33). The word baptize literally means “to immerse.”
The practice of infant baptism, though a long-standing tradition of the Catholic Church, is not found in the Bible. If you were baptized as an infant, you have every reason to be grateful to your parents and their desire for you to live a Christian life. But having decided to follow Christ, the Scriptures wholistically teach that you need to decide for yourself to obey his command to be baptized as his follower by immersion.
If you have placed your faith in Jesus, confessed him as lord and savior of your life, and have been baptized by immersion in water in his name, there is no biblical precedent for needing to be re-baptized. Scripture conveys Christian baptism as a one-time event in the life of every believer.
While it is not sinful to be re-baptized, neither is it Scripturally beneficial (1 Cor 10:23). The baptized believer who is seeking forgiveness for sin, or desiring to renew their dedication to Jesus, need only ask (1 Jn. 1:9).
Children should be baptized in the same manner and context as adults: when they understand they have sinned, need a savior, believe in Jesus, and place their faith in him (Rom. 3:23; Acts 16:30-33). There is no specific age that determines this, and often the parent or guardian is able to determine a child’s readiness; Harvester’s pastors and church leaders can aid in this as well.
If you are on campus on a Sunday, you can speak to a prayer partner. At the conclusion of each of our services, they will be at the front and sides of the worship center. They will answer any questions you might have and lead you through the simple process. Baptism can also be arranged during the week by calling the church or by filling out our online form. Click “I Want to Get Baptized” above to get started.
Harvester has everything needed for you to be baptized: changing rooms, clothes, and towels. And you’ll be able to take home the t-shirt you are baptized in as a free gift!

If you have any questions or need help, please feel free to reach out to us. We're excited to share this special moment with you!