Non-profit Partners
St. Charles County
Harvester Christian Church Food Pantry and Assistance Ministry provides food distribution and financial relief for residents in St. Charles county. Coordinated Entry provides assistance for people who are homeless or at imminent risk of homelessness in St. Charles, Lincoln, and Warren Counties.
Lincoln County
Harvester Christian Church Assistance Ministry provides food distribution and financial relief for residents in Lincoln County. Coordinated Entry provides assistance for people who are homeless or at imminent risk of homelessness in St. Charles, Lincoln, and Warren Counties.
Metro-East St. Louis
Good Samaritan Ministries serves the Metro-East through education, after-school programs, and meeting the basic spiritual and physical needs of the community.
St. Louis, Missouri
Eric and Claudine Gakunzi work in the Dutchtown community of South St. Louis to meet the physical and spiritual needs of a growing refugee population.
Transform Rise Multiply serves, connects, and feeds thousands of refugees as they travel through Athens to re-settle throughout the European Union.
Endale Seyfe, in partnership with Missions of Hope International, is working to launch a school, economic empowerment center and church near the dumps of Addis Ababa Ethiopia.
Czech Republic
Spencer and Tereza Steel serve at Beskydy Mountain Academy as Student Life coordinators, teaching families from a variety of backgrounds.
Locking Arms focuses on village development, preventative health, agricultural techniques, and community churches in the Akha Village of Baan Sip Lang.
Mission to Russia will start a church in the Davydovsky district of Kostroma. It is the largest district of the city and home to 100,000 people.
East Asia
Asia Pacific International trains church planters to go into the difficult regions of Asia to bring hope to some of the most vulnerable people in the world.
Mission Ambassadors of Christ to Haiti partners with churches in the Port au Prince region to bring hope where life is made difficult through poverty and gang violence.
Dos Caminos, Mexico
Samuel Coto pastors the Christian Church in the Dos Caminos where he also runs a high school, soccer tournaments, and provides resources for healthy marriages.
Queretaro, Mexico
Universidad Christiana de Mexico trains and educates young men and women to provide physical and spiritual care in partner churches all throughout Mexico.
Harvest Initiative works in several locations around Nicaragua with a focus on community development including schools and feeding centers around the country.